Comments on: "Editing Offline" in Final Cut Pro 4 Creativity x Technology Sat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: hanguolaohu hanguolaohu Fri, 22 Apr 2005 08:04:41 +0000 Peterb, you mention "don't capture them in DV-NTSC and recompress later, as this can lead to aspect ratio problems". Could you please explain these "aspect ratio problems"? I have 133 hours of footage logged, 50 hours have been digitized in full rez dv. I spoke to my editor and we're going to make it all into offline RT and edit. So you suggest "create offline" with media manager then recapture using original tapes? Thanks. Peterb, you mention “don’t capture them in DV-NTSC and recompress later, as this can lead to aspect ratio problems”. Could you please explain these “aspect ratio problems”? I have 133 hours of footage logged, 50 hours have been digitized in full rez dv. I spoke to my editor and we’re going to make it all into offline RT and edit. So you suggest “create offline” with media manager then recapture using original tapes? Thanks.

By: peterb peterb Wed, 25 Aug 2004 23:51:07 +0000 You don't have to resize -- the clips ARE being captured at a lower resolution. To see them at a larger size (but the same resolution), just choose the 'magnify' tool and view them at a greater magnification. When you eventually recapture the clips at full miniDV resolution (and rerender your effects) the size will be correct. You will not have to resize. You don’t have to resize — the clips ARE being captured at a lower resolution. To see them at a larger size (but the same resolution), just choose the ‘magnify’ tool and view them at a greater magnification. When you eventually recapture the clips at full miniDV resolution (and rerender your effects) the size will be correct. You will not have to resize.

By: andrew andrew Wed, 25 Aug 2004 23:47:47 +0000 when i choose offlineRT to dig my clips, they dig in as a tiny clips in the center of the screen, i estimate about 30 percent of the screen. 1. is this normal?? 2. Do i have to resize the clips? 3. if so, do i have to resize when i up rez? anyhelp would be appreciated, im new to fcp thanks, andrew when i choose offlineRT to dig my clips, they dig in as a tiny clips in the center of the screen, i estimate about 30 percent of the screen.
1. is this normal??
2. Do i have to resize the clips?
3. if so, do i have to resize when i up rez?

anyhelp would be appreciated, im new to fcp

