Comments on: Ask the Game Geek, Part 2 Creativity x Technology Sat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: peterb peterb Wed, 22 Dec 2004 20:04:37 +0000 in the psychotic Apple ][ DOS world, you could give any argument in any order, if I recall correctly. So in my above example, the "D2" specifies drive 2 (also, I'm not sure if the comma is necessary or I've forgotten stuff too.) Other suffixes would be S6 (for "slot 6"), and things like A$2000,L$2000 (for "load this at address (hex) 2000, and only load the first 2000 (hex) bytes) $2000 was the address of the high res graphics screen, and $4000 was the address of the second high res page. i should be depressed that I remember this stuff. in the psychotic Apple ][ DOS world, you could give any argument in any order, if I recall correctly. So in my above example, the “D2″ specifies drive 2 (also, I’m not sure if the comma is necessary or not…so I’ve forgotten stuff too.)

Other suffixes would be S6 (for “slot 6″), and things like A$2000,L$2000 (for “load this at address (hex) 2000, and only load the first 2000 (hex) bytes)

$2000 was the address of the high res graphics screen, and $4000 was the address of the second high res page.

i should be depressed that I remember this stuff.

By: Jon Jon Wed, 22 Dec 2004 18:50:33 +0000 OH MY GOD! I don't remember what the second argument to BRUN does! Finally, the part of my brain that has been uselessly remembering Apple ][ trivia for the last 25 years is being put to better use! It's almost enough to make a grown man weep for joy. OH MY GOD! I don’t remember what the second argument to BRUN does! Finally, the part of my brain that has been uselessly remembering Apple ][ trivia for the last 25 years is being put to better use! It’s almost enough to make a grown man weep for joy.
