Crawl by: peterbAs long as I’m talking about rogue-like games, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Linley’s Dungeon Crawl. More baroque than rogue, but not quite so overburdened as (or, on the other hand, as polished as) Nethack, it’s…
]]>Just to add a little comment on Crawl; it’s a gem among roguelikes because:
* You’re never rewarded for doing tedious things, which is in my experience tantamount to being punished for not doing them.
* The game design is brilliantly *elegant*; the game design elements *work* together beautifully well.
* It’s neither too big (ADOM, Angband) nor too small (DOOM: The Roguelike) — for my tastes, at least.
* Variety, variety, variety, based on high combinability of basic elements (but combinability as in Go, not as in Nethack).
The basic version provided on the Crawl site is a poor advertisement for Crawl, really, because not only has there been an ASCII third-party patch release with tons of interface annoyances removed, there’s also been a graphical third-party release that recently has also started to incorporate the interface patch. The links are as follows.
“Darshan’s Travel Patch”, as it’s called:
Hope this inspires some folks to check out this brilliant, brilliant underdog.
]]>I wonder if yall’ll be doing DND.EXE next?