Comments on: False Nostalgia Creativity x Technology Sat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: gregl gregl Thu, 11 Aug 2005 15:25:34 +0000 Then there's the one where you shoot an entire roll of film, send it in to be developed, and discover that the film wasn't properly loaded and had never advanced, so all your pictures were taken over the first frame. And, because of the wonderful UI of the camera, there was no way to detect that this had happened. Boy do I miss my film camera. Then there’s the one where you shoot an entire roll of film, send it in to be developed, and discover that the film wasn’t properly loaded and had never advanced, so all your pictures were taken over the first frame. And, because of the wonderful UI of the camera, there was no way to detect that this had happened.

Boy do I miss my film camera.

By: krevis krevis Wed, 10 Aug 2005 18:37:53 +0000 You forgot the part where you pop open the back of the camera, and THEN realize that you were supposed to rewind the film first. Then you ask your friend to turn the car around, and go back to take the same shots that you just finished taking. Good times! You forgot the part where you pop open the back of the camera, and THEN realize that you were supposed to rewind the film first. Then you ask your friend to turn the car around, and go back to take the same shots that you just finished taking. Good times!
