Comments on: Change is Bad Creativity x Technology Sat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Priscilla Good Priscilla Good Thu, 17 Aug 2006 22:58:12 +0000 I have ADobe Photoshop CS2 on three computors. My computors are networked. I am constantly having crashes, at very critical points of retouching images. I sometimes have been working on a print for over an hour and the error message comes up that Photoshop will be shuting down and I will "probably" loose the work that I was working on. I always do. This is very aggrevating. Can someone out there help me? Has sent me a new disc and it still happens. I have ADobe Photoshop CS2 on three computors. My computors are networked. I am constantly having crashes, at very critical points of retouching images. I sometimes have been working on a print for over an hour and the error message comes up that Photoshop will be shuting down and I will “probably” loose the work that I was working on. I always do. This is very aggrevating. Can someone out there help me? Has sent me a new disc and it still happens.

By: psu psu Wed, 11 Jan 2006 11:36:47 +0000 This is what I do... The "thumbnails" are smaller JPEGs generated from my Nikon RAW files or big JPEGs from my point and shoot. This is what I do…

The “thumbnails” are smaller JPEGs generated from my Nikon RAW files or big JPEGs from my point and shoot.

By: Chris Morrow Chris Morrow Wed, 11 Jan 2006 05:40:28 +0000 Uhm.. depending on what you are doing, I don't do anything fancy, nettpbm might get the thumbnail view stuff done for you, sample method (you are a big boy and I'm sure can figure out netpbm) -Chris Uhm.. depending on what you are doing, I don’t do anything fancy, nettpbm might get the thumbnail view stuff done for you, sample method (you are a big boy and I’m sure can figure out netpbm)

