Comments on: When Is The Best Not The Best? Creativity x Technology Sat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Next Next Gen | Tea Leaves Next Next Gen | Tea Leaves Mon, 21 Sep 2009 11:11:01 +0000 [...] of the machines will fail catastrophically after just a couple of years of light duty. Of course, correctly observed (twice!) that the “big” consoles were aggressively designed to capture a “high [...] [...] of the machines will fail catastrophically after just a couple of years of light duty. Of course, correctly observed (twice!) that the “big” consoles were aggressively designed to capture a “high [...]

By: Tea Leaves - Xbox 360 °F Tea Leaves - Xbox 360 °F Thu, 19 Jul 2007 02:10:23 +0000 [...] For those following along at home, my Xbox 360 Died The Death about a month ago and I shipped it off to Microsoft for repair service. When I sent it they had not yet announced the repair program, so they billed me $70. [...] [...] For those following along at home, my Xbox 360 Died The Death about a month ago and I shipped it off to Microsoft for repair service. When I sent it they had not yet announced the repair program, so they billed me $70. [...]

By: Tea Leaves - One BILLION Dollars Tea Leaves - One BILLION Dollars Fri, 06 Jul 2007 11:29:39 +0000 [...] It seems like just the other week that I ranted about the Xbox 360 design being unacceptably fragile. And what’s the news this week? Microsoft is extending Xbox 360 warranties for the “red ring of death” to 3 years (even retroactively!), refunding service fees for that repair already paid by customers, and taking a one billion dollar (plus) charge to cover the costs [...] [...] It seems like just the other week that I ranted about the Xbox 360 design being unacceptably fragile. And what’s the news this week? Microsoft is extending Xbox 360 warranties for the “red ring of death” to 3 years (even retroactively!), refunding service fees for that repair already paid by customers, and taking a one billion dollar (plus) charge to cover the costs [...]

By: Chris Hanson Chris Hanson Wed, 27 Jun 2007 23:04:00 +0000 What I find interesting about all of this is that they worked so hard to cram everything into a form factor that's fundamentally inconvenient. Imagine how much more reliable it would be if they had the same parts in a larger enclosure - such as a standard 17.5-inch AV enclosure! They'd not only have better internal airflow and reliability, people would probably be more likely to buy the unit as a digital entertainment hub rather than just a game console. I know this is one of the reasons I'm still waiting to get an Xbox 360. It'll be the most inconvenient item in my AV setup, especially with an external HD-DVD unit... What I find interesting about all of this is that they worked so hard to cram everything into a form factor that’s fundamentally inconvenient. Imagine how much more reliable it would be if they had the same parts in a larger enclosure – such as a standard 17.5-inch AV enclosure! They’d not only have better internal airflow and reliability, people would probably be more likely to buy the unit as a digital entertainment hub rather than just a game console.

I know this is one of the reasons I’m still waiting to get an Xbox 360. It’ll be the most inconvenient item in my AV setup, especially with an external HD-DVD unit…

By: Doug Doug Wed, 13 Jun 2007 20:00:00 +0000 Hmmm... my PS3 doesn't have any of those problems. I was talking with the gamestore guys about theirs and they said the overheat protection works great. It gets too hot, it shuts off. They said it did have one problem, which was the part that can tell whether it is talking to a real TV as opposed to a recording device can burn out. But if it does, Sony replaces it real fast with as little hassle as possible. Hmmm… my PS3 doesn’t have any of those problems. I was talking with the gamestore guys about theirs and they said the overheat protection works great. It gets too hot, it shuts off. They said it did have one problem, which was the part that can tell whether it is talking to a real TV as opposed to a recording device can burn out. But if it does, Sony replaces it real fast with as little hassle as possible.

By: Duncan Duncan Wed, 13 Jun 2007 18:21:48 +0000 What I am trying to say is that there are unexpected and subtle design changes from stage to stage in the manufacturing process. And these are not theories. I deal with this kind of thing (on a much smaller scale) at work. When you build a beta unit you are using a smaller run of circuit boards, produced at one time. You are using a smaller stock of parts, from (usually) your choice of suppliers, and you are very careful about how the units are produced. Then you test. And the units go through changes if needed, and you test again. Eventually you wind up with a design and assembly process that passes your tests. But things (sometimes small and unavoidable things) change as you scale up production. Perhaps a part is not available from a certain supplier, so you switch suppliers. Same part, same specs, different realities. And small differences make all the difference. Especially if you are running your hardware hard. Maybe the test batch had a thermal compound that worked just that much better then the spec said. But in full production you had to switch to a different supplier (due to cost, or availability, or production requirements) and the new stuff is right on the spec, and you lose that buffer zone that the original test units had. That kind of stuff is extremely hard to predict, because sometimes there is very little explanation for the new failure. And for the record: Xbox 360 hardware failure has very little to do with mechanical failure, usually it's a heat issue affecting the Motherboard, Graphics Processor, or CPU. And as far as analogies go, the expensive Kitchenaid mixer would be a $2500 dollar Alienware computer. The Xbox 360 is a high end console, but not the be-all-end-all of computing power. It's more like a Cuisinart mixer (and yeah, those fail sometimes). What I am trying to say is that there are unexpected and subtle design changes from stage to stage in the manufacturing process. And these are not theories. I deal with this kind of thing (on a much smaller scale) at work.

When you build a beta unit you are using a smaller run of circuit boards, produced at one time. You are using a smaller stock of parts, from (usually) your choice of suppliers, and you are very careful about how the units are produced.

Then you test. And the units go through changes if needed, and you test again. Eventually you wind up with a design and assembly process that passes your tests.

But things (sometimes small and unavoidable things) change as you scale up production. Perhaps a part is not available from a certain supplier, so you switch suppliers. Same part, same specs, different realities. And small differences make all the difference. Especially if you are running your hardware hard. Maybe the test batch had a thermal compound that worked just that much better then the spec said. But in full production you had to switch to a different supplier (due to cost, or availability, or production requirements) and the new stuff is right on the spec, and you lose that buffer zone that the original test units had.

That kind of stuff is extremely hard to predict, because sometimes there is very little explanation for the new failure.

And for the record: Xbox 360 hardware failure has very little to do with mechanical failure, usually it’s a heat issue affecting the Motherboard, Graphics Processor, or CPU. And as far as analogies go, the expensive Kitchenaid mixer would be a $2500 dollar Alienware computer. The Xbox 360 is a high end console, but not the be-all-end-all of computing power. It’s more like a Cuisinart mixer (and yeah, those fail sometimes).

By: Dr. Click Dr. Click Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:59:42 +0000 Now I have really lost the thread of Duncan's argument, which appears to boil down to concluding that testing is impossible because testing gold-plated prototype designs doesn't tell you anything about the field performance of shit-plated production designs. The claim is that Microsoft tested ruggedized prototypes of the Xbox ("hardier units" etc.), but went on to use (sub-)standard parts in mass production. The conclusion I would draw is that the problem with the Xbox isn't that there's some fundamental difficulty in testing, but is that Microsoft made a deliberate decision to cut corners on production quality, and ended up delivering sub-standard boxes. Now I have really lost the thread of Duncan’s argument, which appears to boil down to concluding that testing is impossible because testing gold-plated prototype designs doesn’t tell you anything about the field performance of shit-plated production designs. The claim is that Microsoft tested ruggedized prototypes of the Xbox (“hardier units” etc.), but went on to use (sub-)standard parts in mass production. The conclusion I would draw is that the problem with the Xbox isn’t that there’s some fundamental difficulty in testing, but is that Microsoft made a deliberate decision to cut corners on production quality, and ended up delivering sub-standard boxes.

By: Nat Nat Tue, 12 Jun 2007 18:07:50 +0000 If the units they stress tested were "hardier units" made "with choice parts", then it's really not a particularly good test, is it? You can concoct theories all you like about how it's <i>simply impossible</i> to avoid problems like this, but the simple fact is that we don't see this kind of pain and failure rates in many other manufactured products. If I go buy a Kitchenaid mixer, I don't expect it's going to blow up within two years, and they have plenty of moving parts. What you're saying is really that reliability costs money. That's not surprising. I claim that the answer shouldn't be "consumers should suck it up so manufacturers can make more money". If the units they stress tested were “hardier units” made “with choice parts”, then it’s really not a particularly good test, is it?

You can concoct theories all you like about how it’s simply impossible to avoid problems like this, but the simple fact is that we don’t see this kind of pain and failure rates in many other manufactured products. If I go buy a Kitchenaid mixer, I don’t expect it’s going to blow up within two years, and they have plenty of moving parts.

What you’re saying is really that reliability costs money. That’s not surprising. I claim that the answer shouldn’t be “consumers should suck it up so manufacturers can make more money”.

By: Duncan Duncan Tue, 12 Jun 2007 17:29:51 +0000 Dr. Click - Most DVD Players only have the DVD Drive, not a hard drive. Most recievers have at most a single servo to move the large volume knob (some don't even have this fancy feature anymore), and I did make an exception for VCRs. But most Xbox 360s aren't suffering from mechanical failure of moving parts anyway. Nat- When was the last time a mass produced product was stress tested after a full-scale batch was assembled, but before shipping to distributors? I would venture: never. You create a prototype, you use a turn-key solution to generate a beta batch. You stress test the daylights out of the beta. Then you have to implement full-scale production. But the means, and sometimes the suppliers and parts themselves, are different from the small scale batch. Yes, you can do some testing with the mass produced units, but you won't be able to do the same stress testing that the beta units went through. You can't afford to, because that's a lot of money sitting around not being turned into profit. My bet would be that the units they stress tested were a lot hardier units simply because they were made in a smaller batch, with choice parts. They were also more expensive units. As much as 2-10 times as expensive (depending on parts and assembly). Not a cost you'd want to pay as a consumer. These are simply the realities of mass production. The test unit is usually a sturdier unit, and you can't predict all of the minor changes that affect the unit when it shifts to mass production. Once they hit the shelves you just have to deal with it. Dr. Click – Most DVD Players only have the DVD Drive, not a hard drive. Most recievers have at most a single servo to move the large volume knob (some don’t even have this fancy feature anymore), and I did make an exception for VCRs. But most Xbox 360s aren’t suffering from mechanical failure of moving parts anyway.

Nat- When was the last time a mass produced product was stress tested after a full-scale batch was assembled, but before shipping to distributors? I would venture: never. You create a prototype, you use a turn-key solution to generate a beta batch. You stress test the daylights out of the beta. Then you have to implement full-scale production. But the means, and sometimes the suppliers and parts themselves, are different from the small scale batch. Yes, you can do some testing with the mass produced units, but you won’t be able to do the same stress testing that the beta units went through. You can’t afford to, because that’s a lot of money sitting around not being turned into profit.

My bet would be that the units they stress tested were a lot hardier units simply because they were made in a smaller batch, with choice parts. They were also more expensive units. As much as 2-10 times as expensive (depending on parts and assembly). Not a cost you’d want to pay as a consumer. These are simply the realities of mass production. The test unit is usually a sturdier unit, and you can’t predict all of the minor changes that affect the unit when it shifts to mass production.

Once they hit the shelves you just have to deal with it.

By: Nat Nat Tue, 12 Jun 2007 00:38:17 +0000 Also: I'd claim that the steady stream of apologists explaining that we shouldn't expect complicated pieces of technology to work are PART OF THE PROBLEM. I mean, why should manufacturers go through the time and expense and effort of real QA and testing if we're just going to shrug our shoulders and say "eh, these things just break, that's how it is" when their poorly-engineered pieces of crap inevitably fail? To hell with that. In almost any other part of the market, the idea that a FOUR HUNDRED DOLLAR purchase shouldn't reasonably be expected to be reliable would be completely insane. We should expect better than this. Also: I’d claim that the steady stream of apologists explaining that we shouldn’t expect complicated pieces of technology to work are PART OF THE PROBLEM.

I mean, why should manufacturers go through the time and expense and effort of real QA and testing if we’re just going to shrug our shoulders and say “eh, these things just break, that’s how it is” when their poorly-engineered pieces of crap inevitably fail?

To hell with that. In almost any other part of the market, the idea that a FOUR HUNDRED DOLLAR purchase shouldn’t reasonably be expected to be reliable would be completely insane.

We should expect better than this.
