Comments on: Bored and Lonely in Middle Ear^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Ferelden Creativity x Technology Sat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Esteban Esteban Thu, 13 Jan 2011 04:09:54 +0000 I found the characters to be quirky and well developed and I loved the dialogue the first two times I went through it. Then my wife picked up the game and I began to think that the ability to skip through a lot of the cut scenes was BADLY needed. I found the characters to be quirky and well developed and I loved the dialogue the first two times I went through it. Then my wife picked up the game and I began to think that the ability to skip through a lot of the cut scenes was BADLY needed.

By: Alex Alex Fri, 11 Dec 2009 00:40:09 +0000 Moria doesn't end. I played for years and never finished it. Moria doesn’t end. I played for years and never finished it.

By: logtar logtar Tue, 08 Dec 2009 19:15:11 +0000 Play WoW and be done with it. Play WoW and be done with it.

By: peterb peterb Fri, 04 Dec 2009 04:41:58 +0000 I wish Moria would end already. I've been at it for about 3 nights. I wish Moria would end already. I’ve been at it for about 3 nights.

By: Hans Larsen Hans Larsen Wed, 02 Dec 2009 21:11:36 +0000 In spite of your sharp irony I will start playing Dragon Age when I have more time. I will be annoyed by these issues for sure but overall I will enjoy it. I'm almost sure of it. These RPGs which's main attraction is impressiveness are always intrigueing. I had the same with Oblivion. But when it comes down to fun - just plain old fun, impressiveness won't do. A few days ago I finished Risen which is a German produced RPG in the style of Oblivion. The gameworld is small compared to Oblivion and the graphics seem primitive. Still it's an extremely well crafted game. Everything works very well from dialogue (which can be skipped) to the basic gameplay feeling which is just great fun. Many reviews complain about the combat system, I had no troubles with it because it was still fun. The main attraction is playing field which is a far better design than Oblivion. You can truely get lost and discover many hidden details. And isn't that what a fantasy game should be about? In spite of your sharp irony I will start playing Dragon Age when I have more time. I will be annoyed by these issues for sure but overall I will enjoy it. I’m almost sure of it. These RPGs which’s main attraction is impressiveness are always intrigueing. I had the same with Oblivion.

But when it comes down to fun – just plain old fun, impressiveness won’t do. A few days ago I finished Risen which is a German produced RPG in the style of Oblivion. The gameworld is small compared to Oblivion and the graphics seem primitive. Still it’s an extremely well crafted game. Everything works very well from dialogue (which can be skipped) to the basic gameplay feeling which is just great fun. Many reviews complain about the combat system, I had no troubles with it because it was still fun. The main attraction is playing field which is a far better design than Oblivion. You can truely get lost and discover many hidden details. And isn’t that what a fantasy game should be about?

By: Mike Collins Mike Collins Wed, 02 Dec 2009 05:11:48 +0000 X button. It's the game's equivalent of a postsurgical morphine drip. X button. It’s the game’s equivalent of a postsurgical morphine drip.

By: psu psu Wed, 02 Dec 2009 04:29:12 +0000 How do you skip dialog? I tried various things and couldn't find it. How do you skip dialog? I tried various things and couldn’t find it.

By: Mike Collins Mike Collins Wed, 02 Dec 2009 04:14:43 +0000 Oh god, the content. When the French Bard started talking about her shoes, I nearly reached my hands through the screen into the virtual world to throttle. It took me forever to find the button that let me skip through the voicing, and until then I was begging Space Jesus to end my pain. The epic content is problem enough, but I think much of the problem also comes down to their need to voice it. Movies, compared to novels, have sparse dialogue for a reason --- this game has a novel's worth of content, all of it voiced, and won't let you escape. Oh god, the content. When the French Bard started talking about her shoes, I nearly reached my hands through the screen into the virtual world to throttle. It took me forever to find the button that let me skip through the voicing, and until then I was begging Space Jesus to end my pain.

The epic content is problem enough, but I think much of the problem also comes down to their need to voice it. Movies, compared to novels, have sparse dialogue for a reason — this game has a novel’s worth of content, all of it voiced, and won’t let you escape.
