Comments on: Tinkering With the Stars 3: The Mount Creativity x Technology Sat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Almir Almir Wed, 01 Jun 2011 01:11:24 +0000 Hi there! Your reviews are definitely a must read for someone on the first steps on this amateur astronomy business. I think your decisions mirrored my own so far. I got the CG5 with my Celestron 8" and struggled with it in the beginning. Mine was a "lemon" from the wide quality variance chinese factory... using astronomyboy great how-to I dismantled it, sanded, regreased and now it is a little better. Now comes Mallincam... Oh, boy, I *need* one of those! Just having the opportunity to show people what is it about this hobby... Is it worth the money? Hi there!
Your reviews are definitely a must read for someone on the first steps on this amateur astronomy business.
I think your decisions mirrored my own so far. I got the CG5 with my Celestron 8″ and struggled with it in the beginning. Mine was a “lemon” from the wide quality variance chinese factory… using astronomyboy great how-to I dismantled it, sanded, regreased and now it is a little better.
Now comes Mallincam… Oh, boy, I *need* one of those! Just having the opportunity to show people what is it about this hobby… Is it worth the money?
