October 04, 2006

Shopping Angst Averted

by peterb

The other day I decided I needed some tea, so I decided to stop off at Margaret's shop, which I've written about before. Imagine my dismay when I discovered that it was nowhere to be seen.

Oh, calamity! I hadn't shopped there often enough. I hadn't bought enough stuff. She was broke and living on the street and it was all my fault.

The next week I discovered that she hadn't closed, but simply moved a few blocks away to Forbes Avenue, right next door to Rose Tea Cafe. The new location, now named Margaret's Fine Imports, is much larger than the old space, and has a nice, open, airy feeling.

You should stop by and check it out if you are in the market for a new brown betty or coffee mug.

Posted by peterb at October 4, 2006 07:42 PM | Bookmark This

Still closed Sunday and Monday, sadly. Makes it hard to run the department Monday tea on a last-second basis.

Posted by Benoit at October 7, 2006 01:22 AM

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