Comments on: Black and White Blues Creativity x Technology Sat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Forsyth Ben Forsyth Thu, 16 Jun 2005 06:05:46 +0000 The rebel xt has BW preview and some built in filtering and tone adjustment as well. If you shoot in RAW then the images can be colorized after the fact. The rebel xt has BW preview and some built in filtering and tone adjustment as well. If you shoot in RAW then the images can be colorized after the fact.

By: Mark Mark Wed, 15 Jun 2005 01:46:48 +0000 There's a great tutorial on converting standard RGB digital pictures to more "true" black and white photos here: (scroll to the bottom of the post) Since our eyes don't weigh all three color channels equally, the importance of playing around with curves is paramount. (Not that I didn't think you knew this) There’s a great tutorial on converting standard RGB digital pictures to more “true” black and white photos here: (scroll to the bottom of the post)

Since our eyes don’t weigh all three color channels equally, the importance of playing around with curves is paramount. (Not that I didn’t think you knew this)
