Comments on: The 2005 IFComp, Text Adventures, and You
Creativity x TechnologySat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000hourly1 Merk
MerkSun, 20 Nov 2005 15:31:36 +0000 where's the review? :)So where’s the review?
]]>By: CorvusE
CorvusESat, 08 Oct 2005 14:40:19 +0000'm in!I’m in!
]]>By: Jon
JonFri, 07 Oct 2005 22:32:19 +0000 actual best decision is getting off my butt and going to Fry's for an SD card so that I can install CliFrotz on my Treo 600. Will you settle for second-best?The actual best decision is getting off my butt and going to Fry’s for an SD card so that I can install CliFrotz on my Treo 600. Will you settle for second-best?
]]>By: Francisco
FranciscoFri, 07 Oct 2005 22:28:26 +0000 you for stirring in me the wish to play text games when I don't have time to. I miss the feeling of entering a scene with a particularly chilling description, the having to wrestle with very laconic cues, even the frantic trying to come up with appropriate verbs. Curse you.Curse you for stirring in me the wish to play text games when I don’t have time to. I miss the feeling of entering a scene with a particularly chilling description, the having to wrestle with very laconic cues, even the frantic trying to come up with appropriate verbs. Curse you.