Comments on: Status: Bitter
Creativity x TechnologySat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000hourly1 Doug
DougTue, 06 Mar 2007 18:20:29 +0000 to fix it, buy replacement screen, replace screen, discover it doesn't work and some of your keys feel funny, take it apart again, find a busted wire, fix busted wire. Now that your laptop won't even power on throw it out and buy a new one.
-DougTry to fix it, buy replacement screen, replace screen, discover it doesn’t work and some of your keys feel funny, take it apart again, find a busted wire, fix busted wire. Now that your laptop won’t even power on throw it out and buy a new one.
]]>By: ThomasW
ThomasWMon, 05 Mar 2007 19:57:40 +0000 old is it? I guess it isn't covered by warantee. There are many companies out there that will replace the screen.
Teaches you to not hang out with circus troops.How old is it? I guess it isn’t covered by warantee. There are many companies out there that will replace the screen.
Teaches you to not hang out with circus troops.
]]>By: daw
dawMon, 05 Mar 2007 04:48:41 +0000 it. ebay has an amazing selection of used replacement parts for old laptops. it's often pretty easy to swap them out.fix it. ebay has an amazing selection of used replacement parts for old laptops. it’s often pretty easy to swap them out.
]]>By: WCE
WCESun, 04 Mar 2007 06:29:25 +0000 for a MacBook. Just do it.Time for a MacBook. Just do it.
]]>By: Lorien
LorienSat, 03 Mar 2007 06:33:28 +0000, for the love of Steve Jobs, fix the poor laptop!Please, for the love of Steve Jobs, fix the poor laptop!
]]>By: Stan
StanSat, 03 Mar 2007 06:25:46 +0000 T-60 recommendedThinkpad T-60 recommended