Comments on: Belly Up
Creativity x TechnologySat, 17 Mar 2012 05:09:58 +0000hourly1 Mike Collins
Mike CollinsWed, 08 Apr 2009 12:33:54 +0000 couple of days ago, I was in a local grocer around here (DC), and talked with a cute girl who was buying a half dozen containers of lard in order to make a confit. It warmed my heart to see someone so gloriously unafraid to make and eat good food, and so rare to see someone actually using lard.A couple of days ago, I was in a local grocer around here (DC), and talked with a cute girl who was buying a half dozen containers of lard in order to make a confit. It warmed my heart to see someone so gloriously unafraid to make and eat good food, and so rare to see someone actually using lard.