How to Win a Bike Race
Jul 12, 2005 · psu · 1 minute readCulture
If you haven’t watched today’s stage of the Tour, then move along.
On the other hand, if you have watched the race, and you want some insight about how bike racing is both a team and individual sport, then go and find video of the stage and watch the clinic that Discovery put on this afternoon in France. After a weekend where a lot of people where aghast and wondering what happened to Lance’s team on that first stage in the hills, Discovery came out today and completely destroyed the entire field. Lance brought his entire train to the bottom of the final climb and then that team proceeded to just ride the entire race off their wheel. They then handed the race over to Lance, who rode even faster. 22K later, Armstrong leads the race again, and every other major contender is minutes back.
So the script from the last six years is on the way to be repated again. Still amazing to watch.