Picoreview Haiku
Jun 6, 2006 · psu · 1 minute readGames
It’s been a busy time so our collective brain hasn’t had a lot of room to generate content for the site. But, we have been playing a few new games recently, so, here are some short impressions, in the by now very cliched Haiku style. Final Fantasy X
Big hair, bigger sword Walk from cut scene to cut scene They never shut up
Call of Duty 2
Soldiers scream and shoot Head throbs, eyes do not see the head shot from nowhere.
MLB 06: The Show
The pitching meter moves back and forth, up and down But how does it work?
Commandos 2
Sneak behind Nazi Arterial spray gushes a warm summer rain
Oblivion: peterb
The thrill of combat Oops, I leveled up too soon Reload my last save
Oblivion: psu
It’s a big wide world Things to do, people to see Their faces haunt me
A Fool And His Money
True believers know Cliff’s release dates are cruel jokes Shut up and write code.
Shadow Hearts 2
Hooray! A new dress For my creepy little doll Now I must shower.
I don’t keep the dog That’s why in twenty five years I have never won.
Guitar Hero
Hard and fast solos Hands throbbing, no star power It’s Cowboys from Hell.