PTD #11
Sep 19, 2006 · peterb · 1 minute readGames
Issue #11 of Played.toDeath magazine is out, and the PDF can be downloaded here.
My contributions in this issue include:
Retrograde: Fool’s Errand, a review written to celebrate the fact that it is perfectly clear that The Fool and His Money (Hi! I’m True Believer #14) will never, ever, ever be released. (page 12)
Indiescene: Deadly Rooms of Death, a nifty Sokoban-like puzzle game for Mac, Windows, and Linux, available from Caravel Games (page 10)
A review of Glory of the Roman Empire (page 48)
There’s lots of other good stuff, too, including a review of one of my favorite SNES games, Earthbound. Check it out.