Videoblog: Fazenda Mae de Ouro and Caipirinha
Aug 27, 2007 · peterb · 1 minute readFood and Drink
Cachaça is a Brazilian rum-like sugarcane based spirit. Earlier this year I slammed Cachaça in an offhand manner, based on my experience in trying one brand. Dave Catania, aka “Cachaça Dave”, commented and challenged me to try the brand of Cachaça that he imports, “Fazenda Mae de Ouro”.
I’ve accepted the challenge. Here’s the full review:
I’ll be honest: the only reason I did this in a videoblog format is that a certain friendly company loaned me an HD-format dv camera, and I wanted to try it out. I apologize in advance for the poor lighting, the bad editing, and the general ugliness of my face, body, and spirit.
I also apologize for my tragically consistent mispronounciation of “cachaça”, which my friend Francisco tells me is in fact pronounced “cashassa”, and not “catchassa.” I guess this is my comeuppance for giving people grief about mispronouncing the italian appetizer as “brushetta,” rather than “brusketta.”