Five Things I am Too Lazy to Twitter

I signed up for Twitter last week even though I have no idea why. Apparently you use this service to post things that are too useless or trivial to even write into a weblog. Of course, here at Tea Leaves, nothing is too useless to post. So here we go.


The [Shazam]( =284993459&mt=8) app on the iPhone is perhaps the best encapsulation of modern dork convergence ever to be conceived by man. I was in the local used record store and they were playing some Rap tune. I don’t really like or know anything about Rap, but this song was catchy. On a lark, I turned on Shazam and just held the phone there in front of me, and presto. In ten seconds it told me that they were playing [The Humpty Dance]( bjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?i=74218126&id=74218281&s=143441). It worked on the next song to come on too.

Twitter and Food

Why is it that over 50% of the twitter traffic, even among people who know this factoid already, is about what people are eating or just ate. By the way, I had these great pork chops for dinner, topped with peaches that had been poached with mustard seed or something. Yum.

The Inner Loop

Who knew that it was in Diablo 2 where Blizzard perfected the “click-click- click-kill-kill-kill-ooooo shiny loot!” inner loop that would form the basis of millions upon millions of long term $15/month addictions in the future.

The Matt Cassel Era

I wonder. If the team does well, and continues to win, what happens when Brady comes back? Careful what you wish for.

Real Work

If I wasn’t a selfish materialistic hypocrite, I’d move to Harlem and work for this guy.

Extra Bonus Track!

DVD movies at the Exchange all seem to cost around $5. This means that it’s cheaper to buy three movies a month and then just give them back for free than to belong to Netflix. I cancelled my Netflix six months after realizing this.