Name That Tune!
Oct 7, 2008 · peterb · 1 minute readCulture
I can’t get this song out of my head. I don’t have a copy of the original. I’m pretty sure it was from a commercial for color film from either Fuji or Kodak in the late 1970’s or early 1980’s. But I could be misremembering.
I jotted down the notes and made a brief MP3 fragment of the melody here. Please take a listen, and if you know what this is called, tell me. First person to correctly identify this song wins a beer or a cup of coffee, at their option.
Update: A million thank-yous to reader ErinK for identifying the song; it’s a Vivaldi Largo in D-major.
Originally aired on Sesame Street (also known as “my other mother”), many people remember this video as being about a Sunflower, although it looks more like a variety of daisy to me. Nice view of the Brooklyn Bridge from the window.