Exchange Addiction

On August 2, 2006, in Games, by claire

I have a problem. I’ve gotten into the habit of killing time in Squirrel Hill by visiting The Exchange, a local store mentioned before. Harmless, right? On its own it would be, except that every time I enter the store I find something that I just have to have. In my last 4 visits to the Exchange I have not once walked away empty handed.

A few recent acquisitions:
1) A blue PS2 controller.
Rationale – I need a second PS2 controller?
Actual reason – It’s a freaking first party metallic blue PS2 controller! (I eventually found out it’s probably from a special edition Japanese PS2 system. I love it so.)

2) Final Fantasy 1 & 2: Dawn of Souls.
Rationale – It was $20?
Actual reason – It was $20?

3) Silent Hill 3.
Rationale – I want to play through the Silent Hill series.
Actual reason – Actually, yea I want to play through them all and I didn’t have SH3.

4) Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.
Rationale – I’d played an hour before and it was enjoyable.
Actual reason – It was $10.

I just can’t stop myself. Every time I have some time to kill in Squirrel Hill I hear the siren song of the Exchange and their bargain priced wares. I hear, and I succumb and before I know it I find myself exchanging money for goods. Oh Exchange, why must you tempt me so. I am powerless against you.


3 Responses to “Exchange Addiction”

  1. psu says:

    I totally need a new PS2 controller. The one I have is getting flakey.

  2. peterb says:

    I hear that the metallic blue ones give you more sk1llz.

  3. moonside says:

    exchange and italian villiage, a great sunday afternoon combo..