Signs of the Food Apocalypse, Part 1

On April 20, 2005, in Food and Drink, by peterb

A real conversation I had at the grocery store yesterday:

Me: “Hi. Do you have any heavy cream?”

Employee: “Heavy cream? What’s that?”

And that was when I crumpled to the floor and wept like a jilted cheerleader. I know it was just one employee, but it’s still depressing.


4 Responses to “Signs of the Food Apocalypse, Part 1”

  1. Julie says:

    This wasn’t at Dairymart, was it? I thought they were supposed to have heavy cream.

  2. shelby davis says:

    See, this is one of the reasons I live in Upstate NY. Not only do people know what the varying degrees of cream are, but you can buy cream that only lists cream on the ingredients, and is not ultra pasteurized. And it’s cheaper than the UHT crap

  3. Paul says:

    Whew, I felt bad about not knowing myself until I did a quick google, turns out we call it something totally different in this part of the world (Australia).

  4. Benoit says:

    “Is this a green pepper?” is my all-time favourite.