No Sense of Humor '05

On April 1, 2005, in Culture, by peterb

In a world where it seems as if every web site has dumb and mostly unfunny pranks, some just plausible enough to make you do a spit-take before you’ve had your coffee, only Tea Leaves provides shelter from the storm.

Once again it is our privilege to present a simple, modest space with no April Fool’s jokes. Enjoy!


2 Responses to “No Sense of Humor '05”

  1. I used to love April Fools. Salt in the sugar bowl, sugar in the salt shaker… Drawers re-inserted upside down in desks… Fake casts…

    But now I loathe April 1st. This is what the 8th year of unfunny unnews masquerading as humor on Slashdot? “Whoa, Bill Gates uses a Mac… Oh, wait he doesn’t, boy you got me good there.” In years past it was generally easy to steer clear of this, but now there a million bloggers and associated lamers who feel compelled to fling their poo, disguised as fake annoucements, all over my beloved internet.


  2. peterb says:

    I think you’re right, Mark — It’s something very specific about the Internet that makes me recoil from the holiday. I’m not sure what, though. Could it just be that there’s more or faster communication of the lame memes now? Or, perhaps, it’s because the surfing the web is, in some sense, the same as swimming in information, and April Fool’s Day is like a day when the water is twice as foul as usual. (You may all commence mocking me now for my implying that the Internet can be thought of as a generally trustworthy place to look for information).