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When I first invited psu to be a co-blogger, the thing he was most leery of was the fact that Tea Leaves had support for comments. His previous blog didn’t. Pete claimed that he didn’t like comments because he didn’t want to read what people had to say, because most people on the internet were crazy anyway.
But really, the true reason that psu’s old blog didn’t have comments is that he is a gay lamer who doesn’t know how to program and is stupid and gay and lame and probably uses a Mac.
Oops, sorry — I was channelling some of our more crude visitors there. It happens. In any event, psu is not alone in his opinion. I showed my sister what I think is one of my better pieces, and when she read the comments she asked, “Why are you letting these people put their words in a space meant for your work? What do you get out of it?”
That’s a good question, and I am deeply ambivalent about the value of comments. On the one hand, we have a number of regular visitors who regularly contribute thoughtful commentary. For example, Green LA Girl manages to point out where I’m being a closed-minded snob about fair trade issues. Chris from Only a Game often points out some of the deeper reasons behind the videogame mechanics we complain about. There are too many to name here, really, but when I see that there are new comments by Adam Rixey, or Christina, or Brian Hook, or Zarf, or any of the ex-CMU Zephyr crew, I’m always confident that I’ll read something intelligent, something thoughtful, something that brings a new perspective to the issue. Even when I disagree with them.
On the other hand — well, the other hand makes up the rest of this article. It turns out that the more you write, especially if you are an opinionated asshole ardent critic, the more you find people willing to hate you. Here are some of our “favorites.”
People Who Love P.F. Chang’s
Read the original article: PF Chang’s: Why It’s Evil
psu doesn’t like the chain faux-Chinese restaurant P.F. Chang’s. This is because he is a gay hippie intellectual loser.
People aren’t shy about getting personal:
People From Iceland
Read the original article: Björky Had A Little Lamb
I wrote an article urging people to buy local produce instead of meat shipped in from another country. In return, the descendants of Erik the Red came for me. Most of them were polite in their disagreement, but one guy in particular took it very personally:
We did. It turns out Americans don’t kill the most whales, and if you exclude the aboriginal catch, we don’t kill any. Frailty, thy name is Guðmundsdöttir.
People Who Have Sex With Their Cousins
Read the original articles: O Cousin! My Cousin! and Cousin-Lovin’ Haiku
We were mean to people who have sex with their cousins. They fought back!
I am in a relationship with my 1st cousin, we are getting married in August.
We live in England where it is not so taboo to have a relationship with your cousin.
I just wish people like yourself would educate yourselves in the facts and not the myths. Maybe if you had spent a litte more time at the cousin couples web site you may have found the facts.
I just hope that one day you can look back on your stupid comments and think how wrong you are.
your cousin banter stinks
ive been married to my 1st cousin for over a year and you have been here with you poems your facts and your tea.
Its about time you and your crooners finished ya’ tea washed ya cups out and excepted that cousin love is here to stay. All the tea in china will never make a blind diffrence to you your opinion.
So im happy here with my cousin and you keep there with your empty tea pot of facts.
This thread took a turn for the seriously weird when some people read the article and apparently didn’t understand that we were mocking them cruelly, and began actually asking us for advice:
Snow White and Other Fictional Characters
Read the original article: Idlewild
I wrote what I thought was a thoughtful reverie about childhood, growing up, and the nature of perspective. A bunch of people who worked at “Storybook Forest” decided I was a hateful bastard who hated all children. I can joke about it now, but I was truly scarred by this — for literally weeks I was saying, in wonderment, “Jesus! Snow White is yelling at me.”
To Snow White’s credit, she wasn’t actually yelling all that much — in retrospect, she was quite polite — and she didn’t call me a gay lamer who probably uses a Mac. Her manager (Cinderella!) was a little harder on me:
Others agreed with the manager:
Vegans Who Feed Their Cats Vegan Diets
Read the original article: Vegan Cats
We’re often a little bit mean to vegans, in a sort of offhand Tony Bourdain way, but frankly we’re not that brutal; having to eat what they do is punishment enough. But an article I wrote pointing out that feeding a cat a vegan diet was immoral and unethical apparently touched a nerve. Like Snow White, the vegans were reasonably polite. The one comment that stands out is that of the person declaring that by recommending that cats be well-fed and healthy, I was simply projecting my bourgeois morals on to the poor carnivorous creatures:
People Who Like (or Hate) Some Game We Said Bad (Or Good) Things About
Original articles: too numerous to list, but some of the better examples are Gran Turismo 4, Metal Gear Stupid, God Of Bore, and the sine qua non that inspired this article, Dumb and Dumber
It turns out that in certain circles, it is safer to call someone’s mother a crack addict than it is to say that you disliked their favorite videogame. For instance, these fans of Gran Turismo 4, a game I panned, were quite clear about what they wanted to see happen to me:
1. You aren’t very good at the game.
2. You haven’t put enough effort into playing it.
Lol really, u suck ^^ and Stop review great game. hehe Practice Practice ^_- one day, u will master car with traction control
Bugs Bunny?
Maybe you should come visit one of the biggest GT sites on the net (87 thousand members, 13,000 threads about GT4, 400,000 posts about GT4)(click my name)(the Interceptor hails from there too) so we can bite your little obnoxious head off… we’ll enjoy it, I’m sure…
“Go kill yourself” is one of the more popular sentiments.
I actually liked this one:
what did you want this game to do, wipe your ass too.
Metal Gear Solid fans are quite eloquent:
just becux u dont lie the game doesn’t mnea that it sucks u pissypoo. rmemeber to not be dumb anymore fooobutt munch.
God of War:
Usually people are offended when you say a game sucks. Recently we discovered that people can get incoherent and screechy when you say a game is good, too:
The Punchline
Well, if you’re still reading after all of that, I am impressed. You are truly hardcore. I think, on balance, the interesting people and their positive contributions to the comments threads here matter. I don’t plan on shutting down the comments any time soon, for that reason. Rather than letting the bad chase away the good, it’s important to find a way to let the good rise to the top.
To that end, we are, as of right now, adopting a rule from one of our favorite web sites, Gamers With Jobs. To wit:
“4) You Must Attempt to Follow English Standard – This is not a rule meant to squelch the voices of those who do not use English as a first language, but to remove those for whom English is their primary language but can not be bothered to form coherent sentences. We won’t ban you if you choose to haphazardly split infinitives, but the basic conventions of the language are a requirement, I think, for intelligent discussion. That means employing punctuation, capitalization, sentences, paragraphs, subjects/verbs, and the recognized and proper use of alpha/numeric characters (meaning W is not \/\/).”
In other words: you may disagree with us. You may disagree strenuously with us. You may even make ad hominem arguments, up to a point, and call us gay lamers who probably use Macs.
But while doing all that, you have to spell correctly.
This post violates several of the meta-rules I have for the site: it is, quintessentially, “blogging about blogging.” But sometimes it’s important to take a break and review what you’ve done. If the quality of one’s writing can be judged by the number of people it offends, then psu and I are kicking ass and taking names. We’ve been at this for a few years now, and it’s still fun. Thanks to all of you who have come along for the ride.
Sorry I missed talking to you at the blogfest Pete. Glad you were able to make it down.
I have and will continue to enjoy the blog… even though you’ve jumped the shark by doing a Greatest Hits.
Another purpose of the comments is to share recipes! (Has little to do with the games I realize). Oh, let’s here it for basic grammar. If I wanted to have to concentrate to decipher simple sentences I’d use a funky font.
I think we all know those comments were all secretly written by psu, as part of the co-authoring duties he’s agreed to take on.
Psyched to’ve made the list
And now, a comment about commenting — I’ve been wondering — a few times now, I think — why you’ve unceremoneously ceased writing those enebriating liquor posts…
Apparently I either need to make more memorably psychotic comments or more insightfully interesting ones. (or maybe it’s that I don’t link back to my blog… hmm).
I feed you valuable information in the whale of a whale debate, and I don’t even get a link? Sheesh. You’re probably a gay, lame, and use a Mac.
Um. Would this be a bad time to admit that I like P.F. Chang’s?
By my definition, a blog without comments is just a web site.
Some of my favorite insane comments captured here.
After reading through the comments section on the recent post about Oblivion I don’t understand how you could even consider removing comments. In less than a page I met 2 people who invented the catheter, learned peterb didn’t have any friends when he was 13, and discovered that the detailed life-like AI behind Ultima 4 was powered by splay trees! Splay trees!!
Bless you internet!
I still like the PF Chang’s defense the best. And do you REALLY want standard English in posts like those above? Wouldn’t that sort of ruin them?
For example:
Hi there. I work at a PF Changs and I don’t know which PF Changs location you went to, but honestly, to spend precious electrons whining about how “evil” PF Changs is, well, that’s just gay. The utter gayness of your remarks forces me to conclude that you are a fucking loser.
umm yea .. iw ork at PF changs and i duna what PF changs u went to but to make a website up about how evil it is. thats pretty gay. u fucking loser
I mean, sure, one hurts your brain to read, but isn’t the form of expression really part of the message here?