Status: Bitter

On March 2, 2007, in Computers, by peterb

…because my ancient laptop, through an unfortunate misadventure involving a Senegalese circus troupe, now has a cracked LCD.

My plan is to spend the rest of the weekend obsessing over whether I should try and fix this thing myself, or just give up and buy a new machine.


6 Responses to “Status: Bitter”

  1. Stan says:

    Thinkpad T-60 recommended

  2. Lorien says:

    Please, for the love of Steve Jobs, fix the poor laptop!

  3. WCE says:

    Time for a MacBook. Just do it.

  4. daw says:

    fix it. ebay has an amazing selection of used replacement parts for old laptops. it’s often pretty easy to swap them out.

  5. ThomasW says:

    How old is it? I guess it isn’t covered by warantee. There are many companies out there that will replace the screen.

    Teaches you to not hang out with circus troops.

  6. Doug says:

    Try to fix it, buy replacement screen, replace screen, discover it doesn’t work and some of your keys feel funny, take it apart again, find a busted wire, fix busted wire. Now that your laptop won’t even power on throw it out and buy a new one.
