Well they certainly have lived up to their advanced billing. As these morons smash up Bloomfield, Shadyside, Lawrenceville and most recently, what appears to be much of Oakland, I think we can safely say that they are the gutless and intellectually bankrupt douchebags that we thought they would be. Good job enemies of Capitalism! Once again you’ve proven yourself to be utterly incompetent at making an impassioned and compelling case against your foes. I guess you have good aim against those helpless windows though. Jerks.
Bah, capitalism. All it’s ever done is put a roof over my head, give me medicine when I’m sick, feed me delicious food and imported beer, and let me play with electronic toys from exotic Asia. If only there were somebody wise to come smash my windows, destroy my stuff, and make me pay to clean up their shit would I learn the errors of my ways.
Seems the superbowl protests caused a lot more damage than these guys (19 shops? oh please). Really you should have pity on them: they’re mad, powerless, and nobody gives a shit about them.
I wholeheartedly agree. While I sympathise with the goals of the G20 protesters, they embarrass themselves and their cause by behaving like barbarians.
I’m a bit confused by Adam R’s claim that capitalism has put a roof over his head or given him medicine… if he lives in the US, capitalism has removed as many roofs as it has given, and denied medicine to many more people than it has granted. If he has received medicine in the US, it is only because he has paid for it – and paid more than he would have done almost anywhere else in the world. If capitalism has done anything in this regard, it has raised the cost of healthcare in the States.
Perhaps he is confusing the existence of trade with the private control of the means of production (which is what capitalism means)… Even communists trade goods.
Although I am no great fan of communism, communism has put many more roofs over people’s heads than capitalism, albeit largely as a result of the enormous population of China.
Best wishes!