What's Your Jade Empire Name?

On April 24, 2005, in Games, by peterb

Like everyone else, we’re currently absorbed in Jade Empire. A little while ago, my friend Nat was heard to say: “I could say Sagacious Zu over and over all day,” to which I replied, “I need to write a little Javascript app for my blog that generates your Jade Empire Name. ”

So I did. Without any further ado, I present What’s Your Jade Empire Name (update: now, The Inscrutable Denominator of Heavenly Glory), the result of a good, oh, 10 or 15 minutes “work” writing some simple Javascript (don’t look at the source. You’ll go blind.)

Spread the meme!


4 Responses to “What's Your Jade Empire Name?”

  1. Adam Rixey says:

    I can only dream that somebody takes the Google ads to heart and uses this tool to name their new baby.

    Also, the page deserves a better, more appropriate title. Perhaps the “Inscrutable Naming Mechanism”

  2. peterb says:

    Good suggestion! For now, I’ve retitled it “The Inscrutable Denominator of Heavenly Glory.” I will be sure to let the Emperor know of your talent and devotion.

  3. Jason Attard says:

    Your meme has spread quite a long ways… It reaches even here, to the frozen north.

  4. peterb says:

    Ah yes, I have heard of this land, where the moose and the beaver run free. Truly, a place of marvels.

    Now, if I could get the marketing guys who work there to let me preview their work before it hits the market, truly, Heaven would be most well-served.